Pilonidal Sinus

Pilonidal Sinus

It is also called Jeep Bottom or drivers bottom. It is infective tract which occur lower end of backbone in between buttocks it useally contains hairs and unhealthy tissues. Pilonidal Sinus Is Situated behind the anus but does not open in the anal canal. Patient useally complaints of pus like dischargrein  the region above anus. There may be pain which is throbbing in nature. Initially there is one opening but sooner or later multiple openings occur around primary opening.

Pilonidal Sinus also treated by ‘Kshar Sutra’ Threapy.

Benifts of ‘Kshar Sutra’ Threapy

  • Minimume Cutting of Tissue
  • No Hospitalisation. Usually patient is discharge between 2 to 4 hours
  • No bleeding
  • Healing Occurearlier
  • No Recurrence