Advance Treatment for Piles & Fistula

Our deparment of anorectal surgery is headed by Dr.SatishShrama who is providing anorectedsugery since 1988. He has done his M.D (AY) is Ayurvedic surgery pro Institute of medinec science, boronoshuses university vacanas. He is stecialsesi  treatment of ‘Fistula in ANO’ especially those case who had provides undergens multiple surgical.Any one and obstetric deparment is headed by Dr.Neerja Sharma who is doing extensive work in the filled of female in infertility since 1988. Dr.Neerja Sharma as done her        M.D(AY) from institute medical sences Varansi .

Our specialition

Ano Rectal Diseases

  1. Fisluta in Ano: fislutain  ano is aslo known as ‘Bhagandra’ or ‘Nasoor is stars  as an abscess (allection of piles ) in area around anes . this prissily  tresult in to as discharging painful. Tract known as ‘ fistula in ANO’ Fistula in Anoisuded has two openings one is skin provided anos and other in anorectedting . mainsymption of fistula  is treccrrent discharge as. Around onces testing is discantest and pain moder surgeon uslly adept various surgical procedures such as expansion at tract of fistula ( fistula in ano ) which resalts is lot tsue , bleeding which requires long periods of hospitalities   and immobilisation an it tends to recure sooner or later.
  2. Other Surgical Procedures Adopted Are:
    1. Fistulotomy
    2. Fistulectomy
  • Mucosal Flap Procedure
  1. Gluing of Fistula
  2. Anal Fistula Plug Reapair (AFP)
  3. LIFT Technique ( ligation of IntersphinctericFistula Tract

Our Treament : we treat fistula in Ano at omsai Hospital and piles centre by novel procedure described by great ancient surgeon “sushruta” he described’ khsar sutra therapy ‘

Kshar sutra: ‘kshar sutra is a tread coated with various hebrs such as turmeric or haldi( Curcuma longa ) ‘milky use of plants such as ‘Sunhi’ ( Euphorbia Nerifolia) or’ Udumbar’ ( Ficusracemosa ) and alkaline extracts of plants such as Apamarg (Achyranthesaspera) this tread which is known as ‘kshar sutra’ is passed thrue one opening of fistula in ANO an it comes out thrueonther opening and then both and are tied. Medicine coated in the thread dissolves slowly  and destroy the anhealthy tissue in fistula tract and tract become shoter . After certain period of time usually one week ‘Kshar Sutra’ is change with new one. This procese is repeated until hole of the tract is cut through.

Benefits  ofKshar Sutra Threapy Our Conventional Surgery :

  • No Exec cutting of tissue
  • No Removal Of Healthy Tissue
  • Minimume Bleeding
  • Hospitalising Emmovilisation is minimumn
  • Takes less time to heal
  • No recurrence
  • Patient can do routes work after 48 to 72 hours

These days moden surgeons also use silk or non absorbable  synthetic thread known as seton . This is different from’KsharSustra’. Seton is  not coated with any herbal or other medice . Seton merely atc as to make fistulous opening patent to aid discharge of pus.

Pilonidal Sinus

It is also called Jeep Bottom or drivers bottom. It is infective tract which occur lower end of backbone in between buttocks it useally contains hairs and unhealthy tissues. Pilonidal Sinus Is Situated behind the anus but does not open in the anal canal. Patient useally complaints of pus like dischargrein  the region above anus. There may be pain which is throbbing in nature. Initially there is one opening but sooner or later multiple openings occur around primary opening.

Pilonidal Sinus also treated by ‘Kshar Sutra’ Threapy.

Benifts of ‘Kshar Sutra’ Threapy

  • Minimume Cutting of Tissue
  • No Hospitalisation. Usually patient is discharge between 2 to 4 hours
  • No bleeding
  • Healing Occurearlier
  • No Recurrence


Om Sai Hospital have highely experienced Doctors for take care of patients.


Om Sai Hospital have advanced treatment facilities and equipment.


The hours of operation of this hospital are 24 Hrs. All days of the week.


We are a team of professionals who provide all dermatological and cosmetological procedures under one roof.


In emergency doctor response quick.The hours of operation of this hospital are 24 Hrs. All days of the week.

The doctor aims at focusing on the patient’s satisfaction and making it a pleasant experience for them